Monday, January 1, 2024

Getting the tricky first post out of the way

 And a happy new year to one and all. As is usual today is the day for having and then resisting big thoughts, mad ideas about the future, and outlandish schemes like starting a blog again. Every year or so I think about it and sometimes even get around to creating a logo out of some old clip art and dredging up an obscure title... and then the inspiration evaporates and another year passes and---

But this year, maybe I'll at least get around to finishing a tentative opening post, and who knows where it will go from there?

 Ah, it used to be so easy. I was one of the first bloggers, you know, back when they were called online diaries or web journals and you had to hand-carve them out of raw HTML. But that was in another country and long ago and I'll save all that nerdy nostalgia about dial-up modems for another day. 

I'm surprised to find is still around. It's way down the list of Google tools and I missed it the first time I tried to find it this morning. It's still the same as the last time I tried to blog, back before WordPress and the like tried to lure me away with fancy, flashy things that only make sense if you're a sexy young lifestyle coach with a sideline in wellness candles. No, Blogger is all I need, Blogger in its most basic, barebones form. Just words, the occasional picture, and links to obscure music.

So let us begin...

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